Nake eyes water screen drama

"Matsu" naked eye 3D water screen movie blooming gorgeous brilliance, to the audience left a shock, fantasy unforgettable memory, caused great social repercussions.
In the form of dance, the story of matsu's growing up, helping the world and giving up her life for the people is presented one by one, showing matsu's spirit of "morality, charity and love". The performance also shows the history, humanity and modern city development of Meizhou island.
The water screen show has the visual penetrability, can let the image picture in the water mist present the very strong stereoscopic feeling, forms the gorgeous dazzling fancy effect and the dazzle cool colorful visual atmosphere, causes the audience to obtain the ethereal illusory visual enjoyment.
The fan-shaped water curtain blends into the natural night sky, with bright colors, unique styles, exquisite shaping effects and natural transfer techniques, creating a visual experience of shock, surprise and immersion.


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